
Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 - 4th Task

Marianne Moore (1887-1972) once said that her writting could be called poetry only because there was no other name for it. Indeed her poems appear to be extremely compressed essays that happen to be printed in jagged lines on the page. Her subjects were varied: animals, labores, artist, and the craft of poetry. From her general reading came quotations that she found striking or insightful. She included these in her poems, scrupulously enclosed in quotation marks and sometimes identified in footnotes. Of this practice, she wrote, “  ‘why the many quotation marks?’ I am asked. . . when a thing has been said so well that it could not be said better, why paraphrase it?Hence my writting is, if not a cabinet of fossils, a kind of collection of flies in amber.” Close observation and consentration on detail are the methods of her poetry. Marianne Moore grew up in kirkwood, Missouri, near St. Louis. After graduation from Bryn Mawr College in 1909, she taught commercial subjects at the ...

English Business - 3rd Task Softskill

-    Nama Kelompok: -Rizka Larashati -Harnumdia Erdinda -Dewi Anisa Kesuma        Part A (For audio 21-30): Which problems do they mention? And how is the solution? Part A 1.        the instruction for the new tv is missing, the buyer is asking for sending the new instruction for their new tv 2.        the remote control of projector is missing, the buyer is asking for sending the new remote control for their projector 3.        coffee machine model silver 542 is broken, the buyer want to order the new one 4.        the seller of online books is telling about they can’t deliver any books and asking for forgiveness about the delay of deliver books 5.        the delivery of drinking water is late again 6.        there’s a problem with printer and the...

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 - Correct The Mistakes

1.        Because they had spent too many time considering the now contract, the students lost the opportunity to lease the apartement. Waktu termasuk uncountable noun, jadi seharusnya memakai “much” bukannya “many”. Because they had spent too much time considering the now contract, the students lost the opportunity to lease the apartement. 2.        These televisions are all too expensive for we to buy at this time, but perhaps we will return later. kata “we” dalam kalimat itu sebagai objek jadi lebih tepat menggunakan “us”. These televisions are all too expensive for us to buy at this time, but perhaps we will return later. 3.        After she had bought himself a new automobile, she sold her bicycle. Subjek di dalam kalimat tersebut adalah “she” dan itu berarti perempuan. Jadi seharusnya memakain “herself”. After she had bought herself a new automobile, she ...

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 - Film Review

Film Review: Finding Dory The reasons why I like this film: -           this film is about family -           this film taught me a lot about we have to keep moving forward in this life -           this film taught me about we have to focus to anything that we want and the result is we can achieve anything that we want My favorite scene is when Jennie as Dorry’s mom said “It means you can do whatever you put your mind to, Dory” Why I like that scene? I like that scene because that scene taught me about : ·          When we have to do something, just put in on our mind that we can do it and it will be. ·          Mom knows what her child’s potential is. ·          Mom always on our back to support us...

Cara Mencegah dan Mengobati Jerawat

Cara mencegah timbulnya jerawat: 1.        Menjaga kebersihan wajah 2.        Hindari makan-makanan gorengan 3.        Olahraga yang teratur 4.        Perbanyak konsumsi buah dan sayur 5.        Tidur yang cukup Jika sudah timbul jerawat, ada beberapa cara membasmi jerawat: 1.        Menggunakan masker baking soda Baking soda dapat menetralkan keasaman kulit sehingga bakteri penyebab jerawat tidak mampu hidup lama pada wajah anda. Tidak hanya membunuh bakteri, baking soda juga dapat mengikis sel kulit mati dan membersihkan pori – pori yang tersumbat serta menyerap minyak berlebih. ·       Buatlah pasta baking soda dengan mencampur 2 sendok makan baking soda dengan 1 sendok makan air,  kemudian oleskan pada area kulit wajah yang berjerawat ·   ...

Perusahaan Luar & Dalam Negeri Yang Melanggar Etika Bisnis

Perusahaan Dalam Negeri  Bank Century Krisis yang dialami Bank Century bukan disebabkan karena adanya krisis global, tetapi karena disebakan permasalahan internal bank tersebut. Permasalahan internal tersebut adalah adanya penipuan yang dilakukan oleh pihak manajemen bank terhadap nasabah menyangkut: 1.             Penyelewengan dana nasabah hingga Rp 2,8 Trilliun (nasabah Bank Century sebesar Rp 1,4 Triliun dan nasabah Antaboga Deltas Sekuritas Indonesia sebesar Rp 1,4 Triliiun) 2.             Penjualan reksa dana fiktif produk Antaboga Deltas Sekuritas Indonesia. Dimana produk tersebut tidak memiliki izin BI dan Bappepam LK. Kedua permasalahan tersebut menimbulkan kerugian yang sangat besar bagi nasabah Bank Century. Dimana mereka tidak dapat melakukan transaksi perbankan dan uang mereka pun untuk sementara tidak dapat dicairkan. Kasus Bank Century sangat m...

Tulisan Softskill Kreatif & Inovatif

The awkward moment in my life After an afternoon course, I was so hungry that I rushed to the canteen. At the canteen I saw someone who looked a lo like my friend wearing her favorite hijab. She was eating a bowl of noodles. Approaching her from behind, I tapped her on the back and bent down to grab the fork from her bowl, “whoah, this must be delicious” I said without looking at her as I tried to take a bite. She didn’t say anything, not even one word. When I looked up, I realized that she was not my firend.... oh no... to save face, I said, “can I take a bite?” she just sat there staring at me numbly. So, I took a bite and said thankyou. I immediately walked out of the canteen leaving the girl stunned. Omg... that was so awkward and embarassing. I promised my self that next time I would be more careful.